New Bag Image

As a company growing larger and busier all the time, we have a responsibility to be aware of the ways that we can change to be better for the environment. We have taken the first step into improving our delivery standards, by starting a trial of environmentally friendly bags to pack our orders in!

At the moment, we have 300 of these bags going out for delivery, just to make sure they handle the process well, before we make the full change. If you happen to be one of the people these bags are being trialled with, we would be immensely grateful for any feedback you might have, and especially so for a photo of your delivery to see how the bags fare during transportation and what condition they arrive to you in!

You can submit your feedback to us whichever way is easiest, whether it's over the phone, emailing in, or contacting our social media accounts! If you would like to email your feedback, please use the following address: [email protected]. Use our normal phone number 01786 472850 to speak to someone personally about your experience, or contact us via Facebook or Twitter.

Thank you for your help in improving the impact Plastic Pipe Shop has on the world!

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