NOTICE: Our server will be undergoing maintenance from 9am-12pm today so there may be periods of downtime. We apologise for any inconvenience.

We are always looking for ways to improve our customers' experience of our website!

Our survey is positioned at the end of the checkout process to ensure the participants are genuine customers, and to make sure they are coming to the survey with an extensive experience of the different aspects of our website.

There are only six questions, and half of those are simple ratings out of five! The questions are quite general, asking about the customer's overall experience of our website and what they like or dislike about it.

With the results of the survey, we aim to make any necessary changes to the website to improve our customers' experience - however, that does not mean that every individual suggestion will be acted upon.

If you would like to contribute to this process, but aren't looking to buy at the moment, you can fill out our survey here, or you can email any opinions you have to [email protected].

Thank you for your help!

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